Develop an idea for a grant proposal
Here are some general thoughts on developing a grant proposal idea:
-Seek help and advise from other. There is a lot of helpful information.
-It’s a good idea to look at what foundations are funding and have funded in the past. Looking at other funded projects can help you formulate your idea for a proposal. You can also talk to people at non-profits and foundation.
-Your proposal idea should be connected to a non-profit or 501(c). As one example, most universities are a non-profit, with 501 (c)(3) status, and public schools are another example.
-Try to keep in mind that grant projects are different than things you would do through fundraising. For example, grant projects have an evaluation component, the projects tend to take place over time (often a one-year period). Grant projects are different than simply purchasing items. They need to have goals and objectives.
-Generally, foundations do not fund salaries. Paying someone a salary is a complicated legal commitment with other obligations (healthcare, social security…). Also, foundations generally don’t want to just buy things like computers for other agencies. This is helpful to keep in mind, as the potential funding will need to be tied to a specific outcome.
-Proposed grant projects should be compelling, but also achievable.
-Research can be a good focus for a project. There are grant funding sources for research. Especially if it’s a major issue.
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