Writing A ‘Needs Section’
The most important thing about the needs section (generally speaking) is that it needs to focus on your project and specific area. As an example, if your project is focused on services for the homeless in a specific County, then you should include specific research and statistics on homelessness in this area (possibly in addition to national statistics). You would need to have as much specific data on homelessness in that County as possible. You need to convey that there is a problem in your area, and that you are knowledgeable, about the problem.
There are some general thoughts I have on the needs section:
- You will specify the ‘need’ of the target population.
-For virtually all projects, you must present research (with citations) focused specifically on your target area/target population. For example, if you project is on homelessness in a specific county you can’t just present statistics on homelessness in the U.S. You need to present research on homelessness in that county.
-The target area and target population need to be clearly specified.
-You need to convey to potential funders that you understand the issue well enough to address the problem
-The need must be compelling but also manageable. You need to propose something that you can accomplish within the specified timeline.
-The statement of need must be a coherent statement supported by evidence.
-Your statement of need drives everything else that is in the grant proposal. It will be the basis for the goals and objectives. There should be a clear connection.
-A needs statement should relate to your organization’s mission statement and to the funder’s priorities.
-Start developing a references section with your citations.
*Please let me know, if you have any questions about your project idea or the needs statement.